This is it. The world as we know it, is dying.
Time is running out for us to reach the Agenda 2030 and to save mankind: 7 years, and you still don’t know what Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals are? Here’s your chance. Every single one of us needs to be informed about the SDGs, what they mean by “leave no one behind” and how we can make a difference. Now.
The United Nations Agenda 2030 for sustainable development is the global SDGs masterplan for us humans to keep our planet habitable.
It includes the 16+1 Sustainable Development Goals that each represent a different dimension to create a positive future for humans.
This is a collective journey that connects people all around the globe with an ambitious vision: Collaborate for a new civilization – without wars, poverty, hunger or climate change.
Within the 17 Sustainable Development Goals there are 169 sub-goals. If we reach these goals, we will have achieved the long-term protection of the planet and improve the quality of life for everyone, everywhere.
Nothing like this has ever been done before in history.
What are the SDGs?
The Sustainable Development Goals have been introduced as a universal call to action that clearly explains how to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure human well-being (and other important challenges).
Here is a list of all 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals):
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Health
Goal 4: Education
Goal 5: Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Goal 6: Water and Sanitation
Goal 7: Energy
Goal 8: Economic Growth
Goal 9: Infrastructure, Industrialization
Goal 10: Inequality
Goal 11: Cities
Goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 14: Oceans
Goal 15: Biodiversity, Forests, Desertification
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Why are the SDGs so important?
If we leave the concept of our societies as is, mankind will soon experience Armageddon. Only this time it’s not a movie. We’re already seeing an increase of floods, storms, droughts and other changing weather conditions. These will trigger mass migrations, wars, pandemics and other huge catastrophes.
This is happening right now, in this historical period.
By recognizing the Sustainable Development Goals, we acknowledge the fundamental changes we must make, in order to live in the world, we imagine for ourselves. By having the same goals, we can focus our common resources on solutions, rather than waiting around for politicians to catch up. If, globally, millions of people agree on the same tasks, we can unleash our unprecedented, collective energy.
Each SDG plays a role in the big mind map of our future “perfect world”. But, pay close attention now, each and ever goal is linked to several other goals. This is important to understand, as reaching one goal opens up views of the other goals. And the lack of progress within one area interferes with the potential progress of other goals. This interconnectivity is referred to as the “Nexus SDG approach”: Every goal is connected numerous other goals. We can only achieve all together or none at all.
For example, in order to reach SDG 5 – Gender Equality, we have to achieve SDG 8 – decent work and economic growth, that covers equal pay for equal work, and protects female workers. If we want to reach SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, we have to work on SDG16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions. Let’s face it: in war zones, nobody cares about sustainable cities.
The SDGs are so important because they are the first globally established, consensual roadmap in the history of mankind.
How “Leave no one behind” ties in with Sustainable Development?
The slogan “Leave no one behind” is at the heart of the SDGs. Agenda 2030 has made a commitment to include all people and create equality, regardless of background or living situation. As a central piece, ideally “LNOB” connects all humankind while combating the root causes of discrimination and inequality.
Although the world right now is advancing at lightning speed (at least on the tech level), the exclusion and discrimination of whole communities and peoples is a major problem. The UN has implemented a shared framework to combat inequalities in support of the Agenda 2030. The masterplan of a sustainable and prosperous future can only be achieved if we are all involved. Only if we manage to bring our whole civilization to a next level, can we leave no one behind.
How can you make a difference?
The answer is SDG17
Cleaning the oceans, tackling inequality, ending hunger. WAIT. This seems impossible to do by an average person. But it is! You can create an actual impact. The biggest obstacle we have to tackle is switching the mindset of “It’s me alone” to a more collective, collaborative mindset of “we together”.
This is why Meta Goal SDG #17 is so essential. It acknowledges that the whole Agenda 2030 will only succeed if we increase collaboration, partnerships, and networking – for the goals.
We have to learn to step out of our algorithmic bubbles and build international, cross-sectoral partnerships. We have to put aside our fears, biases and egos, and learn to build sustainable networks of diverse people.
SDG17 is the most important goal, since without achieving Sustainable Development Goal Nr. 17, we won’t achieve anything.
And here you can begin to make an impact: Start initiating groups for single or more SDGs. Engage in existing networks and focus on cultivating a collaborative mindset. Start anything. But start now.
Because the global clock is ticking.