The base for all SDGs to connect – SDG 17 and Participation in the saving of the world is explained in a short video! Finally you will realize why SDG 17 is the nervous system of the SDG organism.
Everything works better in union. SDG 17 and Participation is key. Especially if the goal is to save our mother earth.
If you want to be the person who actually made a change, the video linked below will give you 5 tips on how to do that!
We can let you in a secret: This is already a start. YOUR’E DOING AMAZING, SWEETY!
“Be the change you want to achieve” hmm, if Gandhi talks, I listen – right? If you agree with us and our planet that it is time for SDG 17 and participation in real-life, watch the short video. By being informed on the problems happening right now, you can start looking for solutions to create.
Also, not so much brain power needed for this one here.
SDG17. Partnerships for the goals. A fundamental base to connect, participate and create sustainable networks to collaborate and save the world.
The less we do now, the less united we are, the harder it will be to solve the crisis.
The video gets 5 main steps to take RIGHT NOW. Follow the news. Choose the right leaders for our world. Share, share, share! Spread the word! Encourage volunteering and finally make the SDGs famous!
Easier than you thought?