Did you know that KFW Development Bank is helping the German government to achieve the SDG Goals?
Turns out they are doing more than meets the eye. To see actual evidence on how they contribute to SDG 17 find the external link down below. Even though it might not be the easiest text to read, it is filled with legitimate evidence. And they are playing on #TeamEurope!
I know you don’t even want to hear about Covid, but the pandemic has created deep holes in communication across the world. But together we can “Build Back Better”!
Creating sustainable connections between European partners is key to achieve all 17 SDGs.
Under the Development cooperation in an EU context, you will find the EU Blending tool. So now we’e going to blend everything up? No, silly. That’s how they create long-term sustainable partnerships and achieve the SDG 17.
I truly hope you are on the “Team Europe” as well, otherwise you will not find out the billions they have been able to mobilize in response to Covid-19.
KFW is unstoppable.
They also present their cooperation’s with other banks, non-governmental organizations, private sectors, and science projects. that’s crazy much, right? You’ll find other articles on how KFW contributes to SDG 17, like how they mobilize private funds for development projects. That is why no one is working alone. The AGENDA 2030 journey calls for global partnerships. Let’s join forces!